1, Payment can be made via cash, PayPal or Tactile pay . Cost £11.00 per person. Please check on camping prices as they are different, a non-refundable deposit must be paid for camping or any overnight stays.
2, No rubbish of any sort to be left at the fishery , please bring a bag and take it home with you.
3, Camping and motor homes must be pre-booked
Payment by PayPal to huw@pembrokeshirecoarsefishing.co.uk as the email address to send money to.
We have also added TactilePay solutions for other options such as Apple or Google pay and credit card Payments
Please follow the link and scan the barcode/

You can fish for Carp, Tench, Perch or roach and rudd.
Tackle hire and bait available but these need to be pre-booked. For fishing pegs you may just turn up and pay on the bank .
Summer has arrived and even the carp are enjoying the sunshine. Dave Jones who was camping at the fishery last weekend, caught 30 carp in a single day all between 7 and 12 lbs. I must say this is an exceptional feat. Dave changed tactics and baits throughout the day and on this occasion at least, managed to keep the carp in his swim. Our resident heron has taken to landing within 3 metres of our anglers. It stood so close and still to one lady last week, tht after she noticed it she was convinced it was dummy plastic heron, she may be correct about the dumb bit.

It is fishing well at the moment with plenty of carp, roach and rudd from both lakes. The top lake is good for catching perch at the moment with several 1.5 lb fish and even 1 x 2lb perch that Iawn caught on his recent visit. The picture of Iwan and his perch shown below is from a visit during the warm weather in May. I also thought I would share a couple of recent emails with you.
Hi Huw,
I forgot to send you this photo of a perch I caught from your top lake, while you were on holiday. Feel free to use it if you like.
"Hi Huw, a good day yesterday, had a few prawns from Wednesday dinner so used a couple as bait. Here's the last two fish on half a prawn each, decent sized eel It was a beautiful creature, sort of marbled blue and green. Biggest eel I've caught in over 60 years of fishing.
and lovely condition carp, some good roach and rudd on corn too. Be over again soon.
Cheers Michael.

Sorry but its been a long time since I updated this page. To get regular updates you can follow the main fishery website at http://www.pembrokeshirecoarsefishing.co.uk where you will find more information about the oldest and best pleasure fishery in Pembrokeshire.
Pictured below, is a nice carp for the nice owner of the fishery. Carp are being caught daily a few into double figures from the bottom lake. Great fun on lighter tackle where you need to play these hard fighting wildie carp. There has been plenty of silvers along with perch and tench being caught recently . One angler recently commented " he does not know of anywhere in West Wales that can match the quality of the roach and rudd that can be caught at this fishery." This year so far, the bigger carp 14 to 15 pounds have been caught at the top lake although they are more of a challenge to catch up there. The clear water and layout of the bottom of the lake may have something to do with it.

April has been an excellent month with good catch rates being reported. Plenty of carp and silvers landed and all in very good condition. Tench to 1.5 have also been caught which surprises me as it is early in the year for them, normally they are more active in the hotter summer months.
An interesting pictures below I took this with a night vision camera , a Heron fishing during the night. Of all the years we have been here I was not aware that they did this, I assumed they arrived first light and were dawn to dusk feeders

Happy Easter to you all.
At risk of repeating myself , "will it ever stop raining" Last weekend we had a couple of nice days but then it returned to torrential rain again.
On the better days we have had several anglers who are all reporting good catches. None of the bigger carp have been landed only the mid range of between 5 and 10 pounds. Lewis and Phil who are still learning the sport and trying different techniques have found that presently fishing the bottom has been the best method. Is there is a still water lake lake in Wales that have better quality of roach and rudd? I would be surprised if there is. The size and quality on both lake is stunning. That said, there are also plenty of the smaller fish that you need top contend with to get to the bigger ones. Maggots are brilliant but tend to cach smaller fish. My tip is to use our Fujuka fishing baits or something similar and fish a bit further out than where you feed the maggots.
The photos are of Trish with a grass carp take a few years ago but still, she looks very happy with her catch. The second is a fleeting moment when I caught the heron flying low over the water.

Will it ever stop raining! It is now the middle of March and the weather is warm and the fish are feeding well. It remains wet underfoot. The bottom lake is fine on the whole as we have the concrete lane and hard standing at the far end. However the top lake is very wet especially at the very far end. It is possibly to fish it from the gate side and the right-hand bank. Good tip , bring sturdy boots or wellies.
The results of the final Pembrokeshire Piscatorial match have not been sent to me. It was fished as a silver fish match and during the morning I saw a lot of fish being caught including some excellent size and quality roach.
The photos are of a couple of carp Colin caught on Monday 11th March.

A quiet start to the year although the fishing in between storms and the frosty weather has been ok. Clear water has made life a little more difficult and lighter tackle has been the better option. The Pembrokeshire Piscatorial match that was scheduled for the 21st of January did not happen, not sure why but I assume the weather forecast for heavy rain and wind later in the day had put some of the anglers off venturing out. Whilst we are on the point of match fishing! We have now decided that the next leauge match on the 25th of February will be the last match at the fishery and we will no longer be using the venue for fishing matches. There are several reasons for this decision, and it has always been difficult to balance the day anglers who we turn away on match days and the clubs who use it for matches.
Couple of interesting things from the beginning of the year a very young angler just 9 years old caught a carp on a floating dog biscuit during one of the sunny days in early January. He and his brother were fishing at the far end of the bottom lake, as I was walking over to see them, I notice several carp had come up in the water along the concrete road area, no doubt enjoying the midday sun on the water. I mentioned this to them, and they decided to go and try for them while I continue to chat to their grand father. It took less than five minutes for the carp to take the bait.
Later in the month, Geoff, caught a tench it's incredibly early in the year for tench.
Finally over the winter I have enjoyed putting some tit bits out for the hawks. The picture below is a buzzard enjoying the remains of our Sunday lunch leg of lamb. The kite has also been tepmpted down to pick up bits much to the annoyance of the crows. As I keep saying, sitting on the bank fishing is not always about catching fish.
I hope to see you all soon.

I dont normally have many pictures from the top lake but Nichola and her partner, who were on holiday in the area, sent me these recently along with the following message.
"From the first week In September when we visited from the Midlands. Thank you again for having us.
Your fishery is stunning."
It is interesting that these carp were caught on the Monday after the Pembrokeshire Piscatorial decided to try the top lake for thier Sunday league match. During that match they struggled to catch any carp, below is the report I put on our Facebook page from that match.
"The recent Pembrokeshire Piscatorial match for this month was held on the top lake. The very hot clear, sunny day meant that the carp were very shy with only four or five being hooked, and only two caught. However the silvers fished well with the eventual winner taking 16.8 kilos of them and no carp in his bag."
The fishing during this has been brilliant with loads of quality fish being caught. It is normal for the fish to feed well during the Autumn as natural feed gets less and they are trying to put on some weight to see them through the winter

It has been a busy month or so, plenty if carp and silvers being caught but then that unusually hot weather in early September changed the catch rate slightly . Maybe I should say the angling tactics needed changing . Carp were happily basking during the hottest part of the day but would only feed in early morning or evening.
The recent Pembrokeshire Piscatorial match for this month was held on the top lake. The very hot clear, sunny day meant that the carp were very shy with only four or five being hooked, and only two caught. However the silvers fished well with the eventual winner taking 16.8 kilos of them and no carp in his bag.

Good fishing over the last few weeks with plenty of carp being caught to double figures. The top lake continues to be a bit a more challenging for carp possibly due to the lay out of the bottom of the lake which is more uneven and clearer water and shallower water close to the banks. Silvers are catching well in both numbers and size in both lakes.
The first picture is one of the many roach Terry caught on his last visit, you certainly do not get many of these to the pound.
The second picture is one of a stunning dragon fly that we see around the lakes.

Good fishing at the moment carp and silvers are catching well. Its been a strange year with the perch with only a few of them being caught. The lager perch continue to be elusive but just lately the smaller ones are being caught again. If anyone can shed light on why this happens please let me know.
Some interesting pictures the first is just our friendly squirrel the others I took with a night vision heat seeking camera.
Plenty of fish being caught with a healthy mix of carp and silvers. The tench are being caught, some up to a pound and in very good condition. Last evening a grass carp was caught the first I have seen this year.
Visitors who stay on site have enjoyed the recent warm dry weather , not only have they benefited from fishing until dark but also are amazed at the variety of wild life they see at the fishery.

It has been a busy few weeks in the run up to the May Bank Holiday. The fishing has certainly been mixed the silvers and perch have been plentyful. However the carp have been spawning and as such have gone from been caught in great numbers , Trish ended up with 20 plus one day. The following week she struggled to catch. It appears that with the spawing over it is back to fishing as normal. Carp are happily feeding on both pellet and floating baits. Our Fujka wafters bait isworking well as is
Spam luncheon meat .
Below are a few of the fish that Trish caught recently and one of a couple who had never fished before . They hired some tackle and after some brief tuition from Hannah they landed their very first carp. As you can seethey were pretty excited about it all.

Great Sunday morning with these two extremely excited anglers. They were staying at the nearby Bluestone resort, and they decided to try fishing, an experience that they had never tried before. Taking advantage of our tackle hire and some expert tuition from Hannah, they soon caught their first ever fish. An 8lb common carp! Even granny back in London got involved via the Goggle live feed technology. Well done guys it really made our day.
Other pictures are of Rhodri and Archie who both got in on the act in the swims alongside us.

It was a good match on Sunday 30 April with the anglers who targeted the carp coming out on top. It was hardly surprising when you can land carp bags of this quality.
The winning weight was over 26 kilo made up of 21 kilos of carp and and additional 5 kilo of silvers with a couple of tench thrown in. Second place also had a 20.5 carp bag . Interestingly from the opposite side of the lake.

Dear Huw,
Thank you for two wonderful days fishing at Llyn Carfan, over Easter. This has been my first time fishing, after a 20 year break, and I was delighted to catch numerous fish, but in particular a common carp on the 4th April (picture provided) and a beautiful rudd on the 13th April (picture provided). Both fish were caught on a waggler float setup. The carp fell to bread paste and the rudd to a chunk of luncheon meat, hooked as you showed me. Unfortunately my scales were rusty from 20 years of neglect so I can’t give you specific weights, but feel free to use the photographs to promote the fishery if you wish.
Warmer weather has arrived and the fish are moving around in the water. A great time come along and start a summer of angling. To help with the cost of living crisis we have even frozen our prices ar 21/22 level.

The weather for this weekend is very promising, why not dust of your tackle and try a bit of fishing.

From Tuesday 11th April the Council Highways department, will be doing essential maintenance of the road from the junction off the Whitland , Lampeter Velfrey Rd. This is on the narrow road for the final mile until it reaches the fishery. We are told it will be open but with long delays. I would advise everyone to travel from Whitland up to Tavernspite. Go straight up to through the village and turn right along side the last bungalow, this road will lead you back down to us, just follow the signs for LLyn Carfan Coarse Fishing.
Presently we have no idea how long this work will last.
Sorry but it has been a while since I updated. Although during the month of March it has been quieter than usual, mainly due to the weather conditions which has been awfully wet and windy.
However during the month we have had another successful Piscatorial match and the anglers that have fishes it have all caught well. It has been noticable that some large roach and rudd have been caught from the bottom lake. Also some decent carp to 12lbs. Mathew has continued his fine form by catching some excellent carp from the top lake.

We are already nearly into march and spring is almost here. Although in the last couple of days the weather has turned notably cooler again, but at least the carp have started to patrol and look for food again.
The recent silver fish match went well with all anglers catching and weighing in. It started with the far end promising a good day anglers on those pegs started briskly with top quality roach being landed. However their enthusiasm was short lived and by 12.oclock the swims went very quiet and remained that way until the end of the match. The pegs at the other end continued to fish all day and that is where the three top weights came from. 1st 8.75 kilos, 2nd 6.75 kilos and 3rd 6.25 kilos.

There is always something new to see at the fishery, this was a spectacular sunset just the other evening. Its been fairly quiet on the angler numbers which is not really surprising for the time of year. Those hardy souls who have ventured out have all caught fish, mainly silvers and perch but with the odd carp in the mix. This Sunday the of 12th February there will be another Pembrokeshire Piscatorial Match , this time a silvers only, held on the bottom lake. The weather promises to be favourable and hopefully the catch rate will be reasonable.
Sunday's match was won with this bag of silver fish and if you look carefully a small tench. The bag weighed in at 13.3 kilos. Second place was taken with the 8 kilo bag of carp. Well done all who braved some awful weather while setting up, although it did get a little better during the day it remained very chilly .

As it is just a few days into 2023 there is very little to report on. Yesterday the 2nd of January and anglers had decided to blow the cobwebs away with a day on the bank. They were blessed with some unseasonable warm weather. I did not speak with all but I did see a few carp caught on the bottom lake. Also a few perch and several silvers. The following is from the anglers who tried the gin clear water on the top lake. "Wayne had a 2lb perch and a 9.5lb carp off the top on bread! Chris had a dozen perch and roach to 1.5lb and I had about 30 small perch.....a good day." (photo's below) What I can tell you that the carp recently have been very active in late afternoons, unusually so, for January , normally I do not see them feeding as readily until Mid to late February, even that is dependent on how mild it is.

It has been a cold week with ice covering the lakes. It has been impossible to fish but does look very much like Christmas .
The temperature is suppose to rise rapidly over the next couple of days a thaw will follow. It will be an ideal time to target the silvers and perch. May we also take this opportunity to wish you all a Merry Christmas we hope to see you all again in 2023

Summer specimen fish £200. competition
And the wiiner is, i
Huw with this 1lb 4 oz rudd 1.4 X 8 + 11 lb 2.0z caught 23.09.22
Caught by Huw John during an evening session while using 2 in 1 Fujka hook baits. He used a waggler float and placing two 5mm yellow pellets on a size 14 hook did the trick. Alfie came 2nd who just pipped long time leader Kensie , each with carp to just under 11lbs.
Only 20 days left to beat this fish.

Sunday's match was very low on numbers but those who did manage to make it, were rewarded with some good weather and excellent fishing . Yorkie won with 12 plus kilos mixed carp @ 8 plus kilo plus a silvers bag @ 4 kilos. Ken came second with 8 kilos. A bigger silver bag but only one carp. Those of you with a keen eye might notice the size quality of the golden rudd in the picture on the left. It is little wonder a rudd currrently leads our fish of the season competition. It has only has another 14 days to run.

The catch rate is still high considering it is mid-November. Plenty of carp being along with quality silvers and perch being caught. There is still time to come along and try to beat the 2022 fish of the year competition. There have been many close contenders recently but all falling just short. Perch is my favorite for taking top spot by the end of the month, there have been some excellent ones caught recently with worm or prawn being the favorite bait.
Last Sunday's match was won by Brian with 54lb of fish. His carp bag alone was just under 25lb. There were less anglers than usual, but those who did fish the match were rewarded with lovely weather and a great day's fishing. On the day the silver fish rather than the carp were the predominant catch.

Plenty of carp being caught by pleasure anglers up to double figures . A few perch and carp have been weighed as they looked big enough to win the fish of 2022 competition. Unfortunately they have fallen just short of the required weight. Although the top spot has now changed with only a little over two months to go. Kensie who has held the number 1 spot since April has finally been replaced by Huw who caught a stunning Rudd of 1 lb 4 0zs, which under the handicap multiplier rules has now taken top spot at 11 lb 02oz.
(Rudd are multiplied by 8. 1lb .4oz = 11lb 2 ozs.)
Big rudd are particulary hard to catch as they have to compete with roach and carp. In fact this one was caught while targeting carp using a waggler float ,size 14 hook and using Fujka 8mm Fatboy pellet bait.
We are into September and this is the month where the fish and carp in particular tend to feed up for the winter. It is an ideal time to visit and try and catch the best fish of the year. Our fun competition that will win some lucky angler £200 on December the 1st.
Rules can be found above and at the fishery notice board on arrival
This young man was delighted with his carp. It was one of many fish he and his dad caught that day. But as this was the first carp he had ever caught, you can be sure he will remember where, how and when forever.

A very competitive match yesterday.with several anglers in with a chance of winning. Nine anglers fished the match and caught approximately 170 kilos of fish between them. The eventual winner was Keith whose 25-kilo carp bag beat Marc by only a couple of kilos. However, adding his bag of silvers which added another 10 kilos he pulled ahead of the competition and took the match. The pictures are of the first two anglers weighing in.

Considering the weather has been so hot for the last week or so the fishing has been excellent. We are lucky that we have a good flow of cooling water from a stream that has helped maintain good water quality and both lakes remain at their normal levels.
Carl had another very successful day here this week, the last of this years holiday. His tactic this time was to put a small sliver of bacon on a band and then cover the hook with a ball of the fisheries own ground bait mix. What was a surprise his first three fish using this method were all small tench. Later during the day carp did move in to his swim and left a very happy angler.
A few pictures from the week, I just hope the kite who was flying over the fishery was not eyeing up the carp basking in the sunshine.

Carl, an angler from Liverpool who has visited us every year as he has done for the last 30 years, has returned again this year. On his first visit this week he landed 14 carp, several big perch, roach and a couple of small tench from the bottom lake. He found that his usual method of floating bait/bread was not working this time. He changed tactics by putting a pellet along with the bread and additional weights close to the hook, so it sank to the bottom. This worked well and he soon began catching fish. Sometimes small alterations to your weights and hook length make all the difference.
I have added a couple of wildlife pictures that can be seen around the lakes to keep the anglers happy during the quieter fishing times of the day.

Carp are feeding happily although in the hotter part of the day they tend to bask rather than feed. An ideal time to try a bit of surface or margin fishing. Be vigilant as we are still getting rods pulled into the water as Jeremy discovered on Friday. He unlike the chap in the picture only got wet up to his knees retrieving it. It was a good day for him and his brother with 30 odd carp between them, upto9 but not over 10lbs.
Our friendly heron has now taken to swimming across the water
The work on weed control is complete and both lakes are now open fishing again.
It did not take Mr Heron to find a new fishing spot after we cleared some of the Lillies from this corner! The largest fish I weighed this week was a 10.2oz common carp, this is only13 ozs short of being the lead contender for our specimen £200 competition. It was caught by John Fitzgerald who is staying on site. I have also had reports of 4lb perch and 15lb carp from other anglers. Visit us for a day's angling you never know you may improve on the present leader, especially when taking the handicap system on perch and roach into consideration

For those of you who follow us on Facebook you will be aware that we had lowered the water level in the botom lake, this meant we had to stop the fishing on it for a ten days. This work was undertaken to enable us to remove some curly tip pond weed that had found it's way into the lake and had started to establish itself. I am pleased to say that we have now completed the task and refilled the water in the lake to normal fishing level.
We will respectfully ask that all angler now to inspect their landing nets (or keep nets if in a match) for any signs of weed or seeds before you start fishing , if anythinbg is found please make the effort to use our hose pipe located by the toilet block to wash the nets before you start fishing.
Pictured below, Trish with a lovley quality ghostie carp caught on the day we started to lower the water level. Who will be the first person to be pictured with a carp now that the bottom lake is open again?

Last Sunday's match was won with a mixed bag of 10.5 kilos, second place was just 250 grams less. Marc who came second complained that he had lost 8 carp to the weed! This weed was a small patch of curly tipped pondweed. It would have been better to have avoided fishing over it with match gear in the first place!
The fishery will be dropping the level of the water sometime within the next week or two, to remove this curly tipped pondweed. During that period the bottom lake will be closed for two days. The top lake is open as usual. Information on timing will be placed on our Facebook page, search for Pembrokeshire Coarse fishing.
A lovely picture of this young lady on a fishing trip with her dad

With the warmer weather fish have being very active with plenty of carp showing and some beauties being caught. Yogi a regular angler caught a common estimated to be in the region of 15lbs last week, he was so excited as it is his biggest fish to date that he put it back without asking me to weigh it and into enter our summer competition.
We have been so impressed with the catch rate Fjuka baits that we decided to stock them at the fishery. During the month of May, there will be a 20% discount on these baits. Feed pellets and other baits are also available. I will soon be adding the range for purchase on our website. In the meantime, if you wish to purchase any and have them delivered to your door please email us at the fishery.

Updated 27.04.2022
Some excellent fishing lately with all species of fish feeding and being caught. I have weighed several perch to just under 3 lbs
( which equate to 10.5 lbs) and Roach to a 1.5 lbs (which would equate to 9 lbs) but none have beaten Kenzie and his 10lb 15oz common carp which he caught on Easter Sunday. There have been bigger carp caught this week but the anglers did not inform me and have then weighed. Being weighed by a member of the fishery team is a requirement of the competition rules.
Below are just a few of the fish which were not weighed or as in the case of the perch not quite heavier enough.

Updated April 4th 2022
We have decided to spread a little happiness where one lucky angler will win £200.00 at the end of 2022. All you need do is visit the fishery on a day ticket and catch a specimen fish that will be displayed on our notice board. The best fish that has been verified, photographed and displayed on our noitce board and our social media pages. Will win the lucky angler the prize on December 1st 2022. This could be any speices of fish as to make it fair to all types of angler a multiplier will be applied to the smaller species such as roach, rudd and perch.
Carp as weighed. Silvers (Roach) x 6 ( 2lb Roach = 12lbs) Perch X 3 (4lb Perch + 12lb). Rudd X 8 ( 1.5 =12lbs)
Details of full terms and conditions will be found on the fishery rules page at
Updated 12.04.2022
First Tench of the year. Interesting colours it looks like a hybred between gold and green tench. The photos of last Sundays match have been lost, the carp bags trumped the match with a winning weight of just under 12 kilos.
I had a young man from Cardiff visit this week on his first fishing trip. A few minor adjustments on his set up and he was soon catching roach and rudd. Sadly his picture was one of the ones that have been lost. If and when I recover these pictures I will add to the post.

Another carp for local angler Mathew Nethercott from the top lake. Although very early days but that would be the front runner in our new specimen fish competition. Robbie and Flynn during their first camping trip of the year also had a couple of good days on the bottom lake. Using a fly rod to catch roach kept Flynn busy while Robbie used the same tactic to target the carp with some success.

Next Match Pembrokeshire Piscatorials April 10th . Please use top lake if not fishing the match.

Spring is begining to bloom at the fishery a sign that it is the time of year for fair weather anglers like myself to dust off the rods , replenish and cleaning your tackle box in preperation for your first outing of the year. It is fishing well at the moment as the pictures below will testify. She and her Dad were visiting the fishery for the first time last Saturday (the day after Storm Eunice as you can see she left one very happy lady.
There is the final match of the Pembrokeshire Piscatorial club 21/22 leauge at the fishery on Sunday 27th 2022. Please use the top lake if your not fishing the match.

It has been an excellent few weeks for the anglers. Carp have been feeding well as is to be expected for this time of year. Perch and silvers are also been caught in abundance. Plenty of wildlife to admire and above all the weather on the whole has been kind to the late summer anglers.
To catch he carp you need to use lighter tackle and fish the margins they are always patrolling these areas. This is not to say that normal carp tactics do not work but you will need to wait longer between bites.
Pictured is our regual happy angler who likes to sit on a pole in the water.
The recent Pembrokeshire league match was won by Keith with just 17 kilos of silvers only.
September is alway's a good month at the fishery when the Carp in particular start feeding up ready for the winter. It may also have something to do with the natural feed like insects and such becoming less.
It has also been a fun month with lots of children catching their first ever fish with just a little help from the hired rods and some help and advice from the helpful owners.

Prices Adults max 2 rods, £10 per day.
Children under 14 £5.00 ( children are only allolwed 1 rod and must be acompanied by a full paying adult).
If you wish to camp or use motorhomes please contact me for prices.
It's been over month since I posted an update it's been a hetic month on an off the lakes.
August has been great with plenty of young and not so young anglers visiting some hiring rods and trying fishing for the very first time. With a little bit of help from the owners we can usually give basic understanding of the what is needed and catching fish within a couple of hours.
The general fishing has been very good with carp to 15lbs been reported along with quality perch, roach and rudd landed.
I am looking forward to the next Pembrokeshire Piscatorial match which is scheduled for next Sunday 5th September 2021. These matches are always a good indicator of how its fishing and the quality of the fish. At this time of year I would expect the winner to finish with a 25 kilo plus bag.

Its not all about the fishing there is always something interesting to look at such as this wonderful Red Kite.

The fishing has been mixed over the last month, silvers have been plentiful but the carp have been more difficult to catch. I put this down to the weather and a sporadic spawning season. Thankfully they are now cruising around and enjoying the sunshine. Some anglers are taking advantage and are catching them with ease, others still struggle a little. Certainly mornings and evenings as the sun is not as it's hottest helps.
Trish and Colin had a great day on the top lake recently although the pictures below are from a a visit earlier that week with a couple of carp from
the bottom lake.
Its not only about the fishing as the Kingfisher and Moorhens are also regular visitors.


It has been a good month with some decent catches. A recent match produced a winning bag of 22 kilos, as usual all anglers caught and weighed in.
The carp have been a bit more difficult to catch recently possibly due to the spawning season or maybe the changeable weather has played a part. Silvers and perch are as always plentiful and ideal for the pleasure fisherman.
Pictured is Alan who with his wife Margaret is a regular at the fishery.

It has been a mixed month with the weather playing a big part in the number of anglers visiting and the quality of the fishing. Although there has been plenty of fish caught it has been inconsistent some good days with carp being caught others days when only perch and silvers been caught.
This weekend we already have had 3 15 lb carp caught by one angler who on managed to catch 17 in total,. Did he just pick the best peg on the day? Were his tactics correct for the day? Or was he just plain lucky? I suspect it was a bit of all three. That and the fact that the weather has chnaged aain back to what you would expect for early summer, carp are now spawning and tend to feed well after this event.
Pictured is Mathew who caught this stunning common carp from an evening session on the top lake. Mr Morgan on his first angling trip.

Carp are back on the feed today although Yorkie claims his was to small to bother with picture.

Fishing has been good since we re-opened , fish of all species are being caught but the larger carp are being very cautious with the biggest I have seen so far is 12lbs. It is hardly surprising as a 3 month closure is bound to upset the feeding patterns. Pitches that normally well used with plenty of surplus baits lying around have not been used and the carp have had to move around looking for an alternative source of feed.
Thankfully we are able to re-open as from Tomorrow 13th March. It will be for day fishing and locals only, Please check any travel restrictions. My understanding is that you should only travel directly to and from the fishery.
1. Use the hand sanitiser provided before and after entering the toilets.
2. Maintain social distancing from other fellow anglers who are not in your social bubble.
3. Correct payment in clear plastic bag no change will be given. Or use PayPal huw@pembrokeshirecoarsefishing.co.uk.
Open hours 7.00 am until dusk.
- All rubbish must be taken home with you.🙂🙂.
We look forward to seeing you all again
The Welsh Government advice on Covid 19 restrictions.
It appears all outdoor attraction are to be closed from Monday 14th December until further notice.
We shall RE_OPEN as soon as possible.
February and we are still waiting and hoping that a Welsh Government review that is due next week will bring some easing on restrictions especially for open air venues such as fishing etc. It would appear that at present it is the travelling to these venues that is the concern to the Senedd.
We will keep you informed as soon as we have any new information.
25th February 2020
The day until we are allowed to reopen is getting nearer although we still do not have an exact date to look forward to.
The latest appears to be that by Easter early April we and some other sport and recreation will be allowed to welcome you all back. With luck and a falling virus rate this may be moved forward and will happen mid March.
In the meantime at the fishery we are ready to go, all sensible covid precuations are in place to make the Pembrokeshire Coarse fishery a safe environment for everyone to enjoy the a breath of fresh air in the early spring sunshine.

January 2020
There is no change in the status of the Covid regulations so in the mean time I have added a few of old photos that shows the spring at the fishery. Hopefully by then this difficult time will be behind us and things will slowly get back to normal. Stay safe everyone we look forward to seeing your all again soon.

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I will take this opportunity to thank you all for your custom this year and wish you all :-
A Very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
Let us hope that 2021 is a happier and healthier year for us all and we look forward to welcoming you back to the fishery as soon as possible.

1. Use the hand sanitiser provided before and after entering the toilets.
2. Maintain social distancing from other fellow anglers who are not in your social bubble.
3. Correct payment in clear plastic bag no change will be given. Or use PayPal huw@pembrokeshirecoarsefishing.co.uk.
All rubbish must be taken home with you, no bins will be provided for the foreseeable future.
Open hours 7.30 am until dusk.

Sorry to announce but after this week and due to the new Welsh Senedd Government Covid 19 restrictions the fishery will be closed from from Saturday 24th October until at least November the 9th 2020. Thank you for you custom throughout the summer and as soon as these restrictions are amended or lifted we shall re-open.
Prior to this announcement being made the fishing was going well, with plenty of fish being caught (and lost) carp in particular are fighting hard which is giving the angler plenty of good sport.
The trout has been landed at least twice since my last report, is the same one? Who knows!
The match on Sunday 6th September the first league match since lock down for the Pembrokeshire Piscatorials was tough going for the carp boys with the carp not feeding until early afternoon. However Keith Halpin on the silvers caught consistently and won the match with a bag of just under 15 kilos. Several anglers mentioned hooking bigger carp but were unable to land the fish.
Pictured is the top carp bag with 12 kilos along with a random bag of silvers,a bag showing couple of quality carp and a stunning golden rudd.

Changes we made to accommodate to rules required to keep our anglers safe is working well and not diminishing .angling experience and social distancing has is easy to maintain at the 4 acre site.

On 2020-08-11 19:30, gary hurn wrote:
Didn’t get chance to say good bye, but what a Great Lake. Really
enjoyed and it’s got a good stamp of fish.
I will be back
Thanks again

Some stunning fish being caught at all week. The weather has played it's part with the bigger carp basking most of the day but feeding early evening onwards. There have also been some excellent quality large roach and rudd showing. To catch these you will need larger hook bait as the small silvers are also very active in the warn weather.
Pictures is Sue with her prized catch from her Sunday session and Garry getting a taste for the carp on his first visit to the fishery.
Flynn with his prized catch this beauty of a common carp taken with a pellet during a very wet evening session. He and his dad are regular visitors to the fishery and never leave without catching a few few decent fish. They try various methods and usually alternate between float and ledge. They have also had some good results using a fly rod. Generally the fishing is good with some very decent perch showing and plenty of mid size carp to 10lbs, these should not be dismissed as a 10lb wild carp will certainly give you a run for your money. Big bags of roach and rudd can be caught with some very large fish up to 2lbs amongst them if you vary the bait.
There has also been two lovely incidents with children on their first fishing trips that I must share with you. A 11 year old girl who visited with her dad caught an 8lb carp whcih she caught and landed on her own, her squeals of delight leads me to believe we will be seeing her again. Secondly a grandfahter had been in touch as they were going to visit the area. he wanted to know if we hired rods and would the place be suitable for first time youngsters to try fishing? I assured him that it was and a few weeks later he booked in and hired the rods. I set up a small 6ft childs rod for his grandson, in no time at all they had caught a couple of small roach. After an hour or so the litle lad hooked into a very decent carp leaving Grandad to take control of the rod and land for him. Even louder squeals of delight and another lifelong angler I think.

It has been a busy month with plenty of anglers needing to get out after the long lockdown period. The fishing is brilliant and no one leaves without catching something be it dedicated carp men, silvers or perch for the match anglers or a good mixture of both for the pleasure angler.
We are now able to open for the touring caravans but still unable to allow camping of any sort that includes using a bivvy for night fishing. Hopefully this will change at the end of the month or early in August.
Recently Mathew has caught a big perch and another 13lb carp from top lake both fish in excellent condition. Pictured is Trevor with a lovely common from the bottom lake.

Some great fishing here over the last two weeks since my last update. The bottom lake continues to fish well and as far as I am aware no angler has blanked although some make harder work of it than others. The top lake is more challenging although it is difficult to know why. There are plenty of carp swimming around but are very reluctant to take bait. It could be that the water is very clear and they see the line or simply that they are having plenty of natural feed. The conditons on the fish would certainly suggest the latter. The positve side of it that when thay are caught they certainly put up a fantastic fight. Silver fish are plentiful and there are now some quality perch being caught some are close to the 3lb mark.
Pembrokeshire Coarse fishery is open again
There has been a lot of information from the Senedd, Natural Resources Wales and Angling Cymru as to what we can or cannot do. Most of it very vague. In particular it is the travelling to fisheries that concerns them the most. Angling Cymru has met with the Senedd ministers and clarified the situation a little . ( see picture) .You should only travel/drive to your nearest fishery! It is your responsibility to check current laws on any travel restrictions in Wales and particularly our area.
Please read the list of new precautions we will be taking at the fishery which you must adhere to if you wish to fish here.
1. Payment money must be placed in a plastic bag or payment can be made via PayPal . Cost £9 please have correct money no change will be given.
2 No rubbish of any sort to be left at the fishery , please bring a bag and take it home with you.
If you have hand sanitiser please bring it and use before and after entering the toilets, if not there is hot water and paper hand towels in there for your safety.
3. Once on a peg and you must remain on that peg. Moving around the banks talking carp (oops stalking, although we do get some who talk to them 😂) is not allowed for the foreseeable future.
4. Please observer the two metre social distance rules unless fishing with a member of your family.
5. We would request you travel straight to and from the Fishery. You should only travel on your own or with a member of your household . ( It is your responsibility to check current laws on any travel restrictions in our area.
6, No camping or overnight sessions.

but with the latest instruction (see below) from the Government and the Welsh Senedd. We will be following the instructions and as such the fishery will be closed until further notice.
Hopefully it will last no longer than the old closed season and we will be open for business again in June. Please heed the Governments instructions as it is for you and your families best interest, keep safe and we look forward to seeing you again as soon as possible.
The top lake fished well yesterday with plenty of Perch being caught by two anglers who had arrived with just a couple of telescopic rods. They were staying at Kiln Park Tenby and had decided to seek solace from the family and enjoy a few of hours fishing. They were certainly glad they did and enjoyed the first time experience at the fishery. The last hour was spent on the bottom lake where they caught several silvers the carp proved eleusive on this occasion. The picture is an example of the quality perch from the top lake.


Sunday's match was won by Jonathan 19.2 kilos, all carp. Ken was a close second with 16+kilo Third place was 15+kilos. As s consultation prize Mark caught this beautiful mirror carp. Not many silvers caught today and those that were caught tended to be the smaller fish.
The following is the report sent to me from the club.

The weather has not been kind to anglers this month with a lot of rain and wind. However on the better days anglers have had fantastic results. Carp are feeding well as Charlie (pictured below) who was on a visit from London will confirm. He caught numourus carp some on folating bait and others on pellet. On one occasion while helping his younger brother his rod got pulled in but thankfully was able to recover it.
Geraint forward this picture (perch picture below) and explanation of his recent visit.
"I decided to stick with the Top pond, it proved to be a good decision the baited swim didn't produce the fish I was after. I went walkabout with an ultralight jigging rod....wallop! a wonderful Autumn Perch on a 2" artificial worm!
Thanks again, another great fishing day that'll stay in the memory bank."
My new friend continues to visit my window each day. I think he has confused by his reflection. He preens and does a little dance to show off his colours even tweets on occasions.


Carp are still feeding happily although the colder evenings has made them a little more tentative while taking the bait. Some great quality roach and rudd showing and the biggest Perch I had reported to me was 3lb plus. I thought I would also share this picture of a Kingfisher with you, unusually he has taken to visiting and admiring itself in my office window.
It has been a busy month catching up on work and on the fishery . Plenty of carp and silvers caught on a daily basis with young anglers catching their first fish be it a silver fish or a carp , It is one of the biggest pleasures of running a fishery watching the excitment of the first ever fish and hope it will lead to a life long love of the angling.
The other thing I have heard many times this summer is how "it is wonderful to find a proper fishery again" this is because many anglers are now finding that most fisheries are either all carp orientated or stocked very heavily for match fishing. To find a pleasure fishery that allows you to fish in a natural environment is rare. To catch fish to the standard and quality of the roach, perch and wild carp are an added bonus.
Some of this months photos are added below.

Below is an extract from Facebook. Steffan had decided to visit the fishery following my recent post about fly fishing for carp. As you can see in his post it was a very successful day out.
"Steffan Jones recommends Pembrokeshire Coarse fishing.
25 August at 20:14
Another enjoyable day chasing carp. This time it was Pembrokeshire Coarse fishing that welcomed a fly angler. A few silverfish to begin with on a beetle pattern - they were drowning it before the carp could get near 🙈 back to the drawingboard. Then an absolutely obscene amount of carp on blobs and biscuit immitations. So much sport on such hard fighting fish that I managed to blow my rod up! If I were a rod, that’s how I would want to go! 😂 A big thanks and shout out to Jamie Sandford for his tips 😎🤘🏼"
There has been a number of excellent catches using more traditional methods since my last post and both lakes continue to fish well.

This picture was taken from the Sportfish blog/newsletter
I have seen carp caught by fly at the fishery although several anglers will use floating baits as opposed to flies when using a fly rod. Come along and give it a go both lakes are ideally suited for using a fly rod and fly as there is open banks to work from.
Picture taken from the Sportfish blog http://newsletter.sportfish.co.uk/_act/link.php…

During the past week, there have been plenty of carp being caught Trevor from the Wirral who has been visiting us for the past 25 years on his annual leave and knows the water well. One sunny day last week he had a lot of fun on his fly rod fishing the bottom lake caught over 20 decent carp in a single day. He is adamant the top lake is better on overcast days as the water up there is always a little clearer. He had two or three very productive days up there as well.
Evening fishing with these enthusiastic helpers. After several silverfish, it did not take long for a couple of carp come along.

Jonathan was again triumphant in the July match, but this time by just 200 grammes weighing in with17.4 kilos in a match where all bar one of the contestants weighed in with bags of over 10 kilos.
During the whole of July, anglers have been enjoying good catches from both lakes the traditional wild carp are in excellent condition at this time of year giving anglers a lot of sport. Those using lighter tackle are more productive but it requires skill to land the fish particularly if your fishing near the lily beds. It has been a pleasure to see some young anglers trying angling for the first time. The two boys in the photograph had never been fishing before but with some expert advice from the fishery owner, they were soon on their way catching the smaller carp.
The abundance of bird and wildlife that surrounds this fishery is another reason to visit Pembrokeshire Coarse Fishery
The fishing has been excellent over the last few weeks carp are feeding well and the silvers are plentiful. Maggots are an useful bait to have but be warned, during the recent hot summer weather they can also attract shoals of the smaller fish into the swim. This is not a bad thing as the larger roach, rudd and carp will also follow but you will need to use bigger and possibly a harder bait to avoid the small ones getting to it first.
The pictures are of Charlie on a visit from London to visit his Granddad having another excellent day at the fishery.
Best carp from the last couple of weeks was caught by Dave on a night stint who took a common of 19lbs +
There will be a Pembrokeshire Piscatorial match on the bottom lake this Sunday 21st July . Top lake will be open to the public as normal.
A night fishing session was successful for two recent anglers with a busy night 17 carp in total. Given that the weather was not behaving and they had heavy rain through most of the night, the tactic of feeding an area earlier in the evening and using a mixture of hook baits , certainly worked on this occasion. Other anglers are reporting good fishing, all are impressed with the quality and fight these naturally bred wild car are producing.
I set up 3 lines.
1.Asda washing line and Sainsbury's bent pin no 6 hook
2. Some other line with a bent metal thing
3. Definitely more rope with size summit hook.
I started off slow rain was pouring wind was blowing fish were swimming just nowhere near my bait. So I decided to go with the Asda washing line and bent pin on the inside where I pretty much caught all my swimmy things giving me a total of
11kg 4g and 2nd place and in the money (yes Chris Kidd you heard right 2nd)
Carp are starting to spawn but that did not stop Trish catching 25 on Saturday during fairly warm sunny conditions. Some were taken on floating dog biscuit others using a float with not to much weight attached just enough to cock the float and sink the bait.

The Pembrokeshire Piscatorial match anglers braved a very cold wind here today, but their efforts were well rewarded with over a 100 kilos of fish caught by just 6 anglers. Jonathan led the way with 34. kilos Ken pushed him hard with just under 30 kilos. As usual, all the fish were in excellent condition and were still feeding and being caught right up to the end of the match.

Early spring has encouraged the fish to feed and all species are being caught in good numbers. Malcolm and Spence down from Liverpool for a few days had a brilliant first day over 20 wild carp between them, up to 12lbs. Colin caught this lovely perch from the bottom lake on Friday. The gentleman in the photograph with the carp caught four within the first 90 minutes of his first visit here this being one of the smaller ones. I think he will be back.

The Pembrokeshire Piscatorioal match that was postponed due to the weather last week will be held this Sunday 100th March 2019, usual format those who are not fishing the match please use the top lake.
The carp are feeding well at the moment plenty of movment in the water so hopefully Sunday match anglers will have a great day.
It was a good day for two Swansea anglers. The both caught a double figure carp each withing the first hour of their Sunday session. The fishing remained good throughout the day, switching between using a pole and then a ledger rod while using a variety of baits paid dividends and both ended up with over 60lb of fish each.

Happy New year all. Some good fishing at the moment. Weather has been kind to us over the festive season. All species of fish being caught and the wayward perch who found their way into the top lake are certainly putting on the weight a few have been caught recently at 2.5lbs . Next Pembrokeshire Piscatorial Match will be on Sunday 20th January 2019
Last month of the year and carp are still being caught, although lighter tackle is the order of the day. The recent Pembrokeshire Piscatorial match there were decent bags of fish . The eventual winner was Yorkie with 20 plus kilos of mixed fish. We would also like to thank you for your support during 2018 and wish all our anglers a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year for 2019.
Swansea Angling Club Day-Trip to Llyn Carfan (Pembrokeshire coarse fishery
At the end of September, this year members of SAC had their first ever day-out fishing Llyn Carfan. As anglers got off the coach they were made very welcome by Huw who had organised bacon rolls plus tea and coffee, oh, and some lovely autumn weather.
Both lakes were fished and everyone caught well through the day with some good bags of roach, a few large perch and many carp coming to the landing nets. In the shade, it was bitterly cold but for those in the sun, it was shirt-sleeves and sunglasses.
On the top lake club chairman and trip organiser, Matt John had a super bag of large roach with a few around the 1.5lb mark. Plenty of Carp to around 9lb was caught and Dean Ward had a super bag of roach and carp plus two lovely and unexpected perch of around 2.5 lb. from the lower lake.
With plenty of friendly banter, beers and pasties for lunch (provided by member Mike Prankerd), super weather all day, and wet nets all around the day was declared a resounding success.
Quite a few anglers declared that they would be "back to Llyn Carfan very soon" ....and everyone thanked Huw for a great day and for developing a top quality and friendly fishery.
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An angler who is new to the area has already discovered the cracking carp on offer here. Kieth Wilks on another visit from Wolverhampton tried his luck on the top lake, he was delighted to catch a perch on luncheon meat and weighing almost 2.5 lbs, four carp to 7lb and loads of roach. Bottom lake continues to fishing well at the moment possibly due to the carp feeding up ready for winter months. Please note there will be a match on the bottom lake again on Sunday. If not involved in the match top lake is open to the public as usual.

TheSunday match on the 19th August was won by Thomas with 20+ kilos.(pictured below with a few of our wild carp) Since then there have been some excellent catches from the pleasure anglers who have been here.
Always nice to get some feedback from our anglers.
Bore da Huw,
Thought I'd lt you know what a fantastic day's fishing I had yesterday. I caught 5 big perch, three around the 2lb mark and 2 around 1lb. Add to this 8 carp, mostly common but one with just a few scales, is this a ghost carp? One of the carp must have gone at least 15lb, I don't weigh or measure the fish I catch and don't carry a camera. Maybe I should start. Bait was king prawn. I cut them into three to fit onto a size 12s hook. I was fishing on the top lake, right-hand bank just up from the lifebelt and casting towards the lilies. I eventually ran out of prawns (shouldn't have eaten as many), I swapped over to meat on a 16s hook and ended my day with some tidy roach. No rudd today, well, you can't have it all.
I've been fishing for more than 60 years and this has been one of the best day's I have ever had. Thank you.
The wild carp have been prolific this year obviously the weather has flushed them out to open water. It is good news for the pleasure angler as these 5lb odd size fish will certainly give you a run for your money on lighter tackle. Not so good for the big fish hunters as they often pick up baits meant for the larger carp. That said some of the larger fish have been caught 17lb the biggest this month other anglers have reported being smashed often when trying to fish to close to the lily beds. Some people never learn ! Top lake also fishing well with reports of excellent quality carp being caught again given that we have original wild carp in there , we get comments on how hard these fish fight.
Next Match is on Sunday 19th August
Great Bag of silvers

Unbelievable the amount of carp we have had caughthere during the last month. While they have been predominantly 5 lbs range several bigger ones to 15 lbs have been landed. The frustrating thing is that there are plenty of big one cruising or just basking in the sunshine. Silverfish are as usual plentiful in both lakes.

Next match Sunday 24th June 2018 Pembs Piscarorial club.
There has been very good fishing here of late with lots of carp being caught and as usual excellent qulity roach and rudd.
Mick spend a few days on the bank and enjoyed himself as usual. On the evening he targeted the carp he was eventuall rewarded with a carp just under 15lbs. During the hot weather surface fishing was king but with brood of ducklings appearing it has been more of a challenge for this method

Sorry folks for the delay in an update but life has been very busy of late.
Busy week, must be the tropical weather, wall to wall sunshine. Paul Wilkinson started the week with a full day's catching carp on Monday. Not only did he catch all day and lost count but also caught some of the biggest carp he has managed to land here. Tuesday remained the same with carp being landed from all around the bottom lake. Liam ended the day with over 20 of them. The carp always feed well at this time of the year as spawning has now passed and they will happily feed up for the rest of the summer.
Lots of sightings of this white carp why not try your luck catch it and win £100.00. £1.50 extra on entry fee , must be paid prior to starting fishing.

Good match on Sunday, the first of the new season for the Pembrokeshire Piscatorial club. Winner was Yorkie with 15 1/2 kilos . The weather had been cold over night but Sunday the Sun came out and it was a warm day with very calm conditions. The previous day the fishing again went well , local angler Shaun caught 11 carp with largest being just short of 12 lbs . Terry also had a good day catching 6 carp . Picture Match day 13.05.2018

Happy campers over the Mayday weekend. The sunny weather certainly had the carp feeding happily. These are just a small selection of the pictures that I had sent to me.
Many methods appear to work once you have the fish feeding, it is always worth taking a bit of extra time to plumb the depth especially if float fishing. Floating baits worked ok but eh fish are very alert to this method and again some preparatory work is required to get them feeding. Please note that floating baits in or around the lily pads is banned, this is to protect the fish trying to drag them out of the lily beds only harm the fish and frustrate the angler!

There has been some great fishing here over the last month. Several young anglers have had the taste of catching their first

hough very cold for the Easter break but it does not stop the hardy angler catching some lovely fish. Alf was more than happy he found the fishery while visiting Pembrokeshire for the first time. These are only some of the 20 odd carp he caught over three days. The second angler in the pictures also had a couple of nice days and caught a few that are pictured as I happened to be chatting with him.
The beginning of this month was very quiet, the weather saw to that although it did give us a stunning landscape to admire.
Anglers who have ventured out since have all been rewarded with some decent catches, carp showing up to 10lbs but mainly smaller ones down to less than a 1lb. This shows the excellent condition of the water and will help maintain stock levels over the next few years.
Sue and Garry enjoying their Morning, Sue also caught 6 carp yesterday after staying a night at the fishery in their new toy. You could say it was a brilliant weekend. See picture below.
I had 30 minutes with grandson yesterday and managed to find a few small

Today's Sunday Pembrokeshire Piscatorial League match was won by Mark with an impressive 25.7 kilos. Yorkie came second with 16 kilos third place went to Brian with 13 kilos.
It should be noted that when I walked around it is these three anglers who I chatted to.

Well done these hardy anglers who braved very difficult conditions and a few naughty carp to fish last Sunday's
So last Sunday’s match was a wet a blustery day at
Tavernspite. It was our annual silver fish match Jon Davies won with 4.25 kilo 2nd was Brian Hammond with 3.35 kilo and Steve Harrison was 3rd with 2.8 kilos. Fishing would go quite as carp moved in to graze pushing the silvers away. Tight lines everyone
Time to update with the first report of 2018. As
Next match is January the 21st which will be a
This will be my last post until the New
Nadolig Llawen a Blwyddyn Newydd Hapus - Merry Christmas and Happy New
Pretty quiet up on the fishery at the moment. This is not

Some excellent fishing from Mark for Sunday's Match. He quickly realised the
Total weight for the match was approx. 160 kilos which

Mike and Trevor came over from the Gower to spend yesterday doing a bit of fishing in the
![IMG_2885[1] IMG_2885[1]](images/s/IMG_2885[1].jpg)
![IMG_2883[1] IMG_2883[1]](images/s/IMG_2883[1].jpg)
As normal; at this time of

Carp are feeding well with plenty of fish being caught. One Pembrokeshire Piscatorial member, who was here yesterday for a day's pleasure angling caught over a 100lb of fish which included 15 carp. Stephen Harrison a
The night anglers are reporting busy
Anglers who are looking for quality

Plenty of carp continue to be caught and as usual simple methods work best. This young girl was overjoyed to catch a few carp, I must add aided by her dad who has been a regular angler at the fishery since he was a youngster with his dad over two decades ago. It just goes to show how if you teach children how to fish it will give them pleasure

The fishing is constant and plenty

Just a couple of pictures that the Harkin Brothers sent to me from their Monday session. Fair play to them for braving the weather just goes to show what a good bivvy and perseverance can achieve. August has had some excellent results for all anglers with both carp and the
Tactics have been varied along the lines of what the weather throws at us that particular day.Floating baits are always a good way to tempt carp ( please note floating baits are not allowed
Sunday's match was won by Steve Harrison with a great bag of 31 kilos. Including this wonderful bag of carp. (bottom picture).Other notable catches came from Mark Close. He finished 2nd with help from this carp bag((top picture). Well done all who fished today in challenging conditions.

Some excellent fishing during July, with the last weekend

Just a couple of photos from my phone camera from the week, It has been fishing well over the last week with plenty of quality silvers and several double figure carp landed. Oddly I thought they had finished spawning but there were signs of the carp spawning again
Night fishing is by appointment

The carp have now finished spawning and are feeding.
There have been carp to 15lbs caught recently the bigger ones are happy to just cruise on

It has been a good month with good catches being recorded. Carp
At last some very decent weather in Pembrokeshire although the east wind keeps the bigger fish down in the water. That said they are starting to bask on top and will happily come up for floaters especially in the evenings.

With the weather getting warmer so angler numbers and catches go up. Night anglers
The bigger roach rudd and perch are certainly getting caught on a regular basis.

The recent match was won by Steve with a very credible 13.9 kilos of fish which included 4

It has also been a busy weekend with night anglers reporting decent catches with
The competition to land the pure white carp is still running £100.00 if landed. (terms and conditions apply).
Paul Wilkinson led the way with several carp from both lakes last Saturday., probably landing well into double figures by the end of the day. It was a very sunny warm day and Paul had taken full advantage of the carp enjoying the warmth

Good match today where the Pembrokeshire Piscatorial club

Jonathan with his
Since then anglers have been dusting down their tackle and venturing out. I believe that no one has left the fishery without catching fish. Carp have been active although no big carp has been landed from either lake this

The Previous Sunday we had the first Pembrokeshire Piscatorial match of the year.
Pembrokeshire Piscatorial's sent me this Match report
"This weeks match was a


Picture weigh in summer match.
Good match again today. Chris Kidd was again the victor with an excellent 28.3 kilos (over 62Lbs). 2nd and 3rd had 18 kilos and 10 respectively. As

This is a copy of an email I


The picture top was taken from a distance. It is only interesting because Keith while netting the fish, his rod snapped although did manage to land the 15lb carp. This was the second rod that was snapped here yesterday the first angler was stunned as he did not even get a view of the fish but had previously caught Barbell up to 16 lb on the same rod. He maintained it must have been a monster. Maybe natural feed is getting scarce and the bigger fish are looking for food.
The Perch is the latest caught from the top lake, they must be on
Good fishing as usual plenty of fish caught. Charlie Benson (above right) visiting from London had a wonderful few days. Ollie took
Pembrokeshire Piscatorial club
Dave Rook also had a good

Last week has been excellent for all anglers with specimen fish caught from both lakes. Dave Rook led the charge with an excellent 18 pound fish from the top lake. Caught using a fly rod and dog biscuit. Paul Anderson followed on with some

Sunday's match was won by Paul Ellis with 22.8
The fishing was also good on the top lake where all anglers reported catches of various sizes. Some fished for silvers and others carp. The carp were not feeding off the top but

Excellent fishing since my last report.
During the

With the spring sunshine fish are appearing higher up in the water with the bigger carp basking and showing themselves but not yet taking free offerings of floating baits.
There are plenty of fish being caught mainly smaller carp up to 10lbs. There are plenty of signs of bigger fish which are very rooting about the margins.

It's been a busy month here at the fishery. Firstly we had to replace some pipes that run under the
Plenty of fish being
David was back today caught a couple of carp. These pictures are of his mid-week session. Terry on his first weekend of the year had a great

Carp feeding over the
Earlier in the week with the

Both lakes fished well today considering it is January. Several carp caught over 20 in total, largest at the deep end of

We have been working on the bottom
Top lake, considering the clear cold
20th January, at
Comment: I've fished here about 7 times in all weathers and never blanked!! love the place very quiet and peaceful the owner Huw is a great help!!! Can't wait to get back there.
"Say's it all--Nice to see someone is already looking forward to some early 2016 fishing."

Mike (Pennard, Gower, Swansea

Yesterday's (Sunday) match. The was a good frost
The top lake also fished well with several carp being caught and indeed lost with the anglers failing to keep them out of the Lilies.

Dave Rook and his mate did a weekend night session and pulled their rods in during the early hours just to get some sleep. This patterned continued the following
The results of Sundays match
Pembs wrote: "6 hours of sitting on a hard box and endurance test of holding a 14m pole didn't compare to that of the iron man challenge well done all. The match was at Llyn Carfan Tavenspite. Another interesting match with rain


Todays (2nd August 2015) Pembrokeshire Piscatorial match had a winning weight of 27.7 kilos. All anglers weighed in and left happy.
Another Grass carp caught yesterday (Sat 1st August 2015) at over
I also received the following message from regular Anglers

Several double figure carp to 16lbs caught during the week, and a

Carp have been usual sizes up to 12 lbs with the biggest I heard of this week just over 15lbs.
Young Archie had his best Saturday for a while with at least four carp the biggest 9lb. (The carp Archie is holding in the picture is from a previous visit.)

Spring is traditionally a good time for carp because with the warm sun on the water the big carp will start to bask on the surface and quickly return to feeding
The day ticket price for 2015 will remain the same and regular anglers will still be able to use last years day ticket stamps to collect enough for your free days fishing.
Although I am looking forward spring arriving properly, there are signs it is almost here.
Although it is late in the year the fish are still feeding well, this is no doubt down to the recent warm weather. Carp are caught on a daily basis with Sean Pearce on a night session taking 10 carp during the night. It had started slow and heavy rain for an hour or so kept the fish down in the water. When the rain passed the fish soon started taking pellet on a hair rig and continued throughout the night. The recent Pembrokeshire Piscatorial Match was won by Mark who landed with 26 Kgs +, Jonathan Davies was second with 18 odd and Chris Kidd was a distant 3rd with 13 Kgs (Chris commented after the match, last match the angler who fished the same peg failed to get a Kilo, enough said!!). Chris Kidd obviously did not mind coming 3rd this in this match -- it is the taking part that counts!

A barbecue lunch was provided by the hosts at Llyn Carfan. National fish month provided booklets
The recent
Both lakes are producing large bags of fish, with quality carp showing from both lakes and no angler visiting the fishery failing to catch during recent weeks. Best catches from the bottom lake Dave Barnett from Manchester recently took several double figure carp and a 25lb grass carp during three separate day trips to the fishery. He took all on

Good weekend with plenty of fish caught. Best of them a 23 lb grass carp caught by Garry from Brynmawr who was staying for the weekend with his wife who also took several carp including a great Mirror carp and small tench. This is the first tench from the bottom lake for many many years
Some excellent fishing recently with good quality carp and
with Spring arriving now is a good time to dust off your tackle and possibly put new line on your
The surprising catch during February was a wild brown trout of around 2 and a half pound in weight. It was caught by Viv Hill on a small size 16 hook baited with punched luncheon meat while using float rod while winter fishing for Roach. The fish was returned to the water it will be interesting to see how long it will be before it is caught again.

There have been good numbers of carp out over the last week or so nothing huge but up to double figure
. That said there has been another smashed pole when fighting the big carp.
For the first time in many years a small tench was taken from the bottom lake, all out big one disappeared or at least are never caught so it is nice to hear of this one
Fishing over the weekend was mixed with reports of good catches but also some very
The top lake again produced excellent results on Sunday with small carp to 2lb and plenty of
Good numbers of carp and silver fish during this late summer period.
The latest match was won with 15.4
The grass carp top picture was the second 20 plus fish that
There have been some excellent quality silver fish caught from both lakes during the last couple of weeks one roach was weighed at over 2lbs that one from the top lake.
"From Dan .(bottom picture) Here is the grass carp I caught on Thursday 28th! It took me nearly an hour to bring it in after it took a piece of bread about 30ft out! It
Daisy and Antony were pleased with their short introductory session to coarse fishing and will be returning soon.

Visiting the area from Newcastle I6 year old

The top catch for the month is a 38 lb grass carp caught by regular angler Sue
The top lake is also fishing very well, John a Liverpool match angler using match tactics are taking over 80 x 2lb carp a day during his